Hot Reads

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Little Story That Could

Hi my sexy babies!

As I prepare for my very first interracial romance cruise on Princess Cruises while I promote my latest re-re-release, Last Call, I was thinking about that book. And, no, I didn't mistype back there. Last Call is my little story that could. It was originally released in a three-author anthology called Reignited along with authors Yvette Hines and Aliyah Burke through Whispers Publishing. When that publisher folded, I knew I wanted to expand the story from the 20,000+ novella to a full-length novel. So when I was asked to join the Scandalous Heroes box set, I found the perfect venue to expand the story and put it back out there.

The box set was only set to be on sale for only 2 months. So before it came down in September, I decided to expand it once again for when it was set to be released again, this time through Phaze Books. I had always had it in my mind that I was going to add at least 5 chapters, which seems crazy to do when I had already added over 30,000 words to the story when it was in the box set. As I was expanding it, little by little, I found that I was making my challenging goal of 5 extra chapters! Now it's on sale in ebook and print at Phaze Books, and it's available in Nook form at Soon it'll be available at Amazon and Books-A-Million!

More exciting news that that: have you all heard about the newest Hot M.A.M.A. to join the set? Keep a look out for the announcement coming soon.

I hate to chat and run, but I have to get going.

Stay sexy,


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What's a writer to do?

Recently I received a phone call from an aspiring writer who had gotten my number from a mutual friend. She wanted to know if we could meet for coffee and discuss the business of writing. Discuss the business of writing? Hah! Yeah boy, I can do that. We meet at a wonderful specialty cup cake bakery and after our selection of cup cakes and beverage we cozied up to one of the tables. In case you are wondering, I got a really scrumptious coffee cake cup cake. It was totally yummy. She told me she wanted to write a book. I remember those days. I still have them. One of the main questions she asked me was how did I get started, how many books had I written and how did I get them published. The book count is the easy part. That's just a number. The harder part was getting started. I've always loved to write. I remember even as a child and well into my adulthood I keep journals. I wrote about everything. I also wrote short stories and articles, however in most cases they were tucked away and forgotten and I definitely never wrote a full length novel. It took the poking and prodding of a friend to make me see and understand my vision. One of the things she did was thrust a romance book in my hand and begged me to read it. I really didn't want too, because my book shelf housed, mystery, suspense, horror and thrillers. I was not familiar with the romance novel. Go figure. It was Felicia Mason's 'Body and Soul' that opened my eyes to the wonderful world of romance. I loved the book and I've loved romance every since. I told my new bakery buddy the best way to write a book is to stop talking about it and do it. Yes, I know, it's harder than you think. Much harder than mere words. But we have to start somewhere. Take that idea and start jotting down thoughts, words, paragraphs. Even a sentence will do. Don't worry about editing and don't worry about getting it published. You can't edit what you don't have and you can't publish what you don't finish. It's just that easy. Okay, stop laughing. I know it's not easy. Writing books is probably one of the hardest jobs I've ever had and I've been a registered nurse for over two decades. It's not so much the putting the words on paper and as much as I hate editing, it's not even that. The hard part is making sure you don't disappoint your readers. Lucky for me I have very forgiving readers. They understand that we too have bad days and sometimes life gets in the way. and on more than one occasion me will miss a deadline or release date. But if you don't put the words on the paper and get the paper into their hands you will never know how great it feels to have someone come up to you and say 'great book.' Thanks to Felicia Mason for writing a great book. Thanks to Margo for making me write my first book and definitely thanks to the readers for purchasing and reading my books. Now keep reading for a snippet of my work in progress. It will be released early 2015. Sorry. Saint's Bayou Tyson sucked Raine’s finger between his lips. Her breath hitched when his tongue stroked along its length, when he pulled on it. He laid her down onto the bed, touched her, kissed her. He wanted this to be special. He wanted to make love to her the old fashioned way, drawn out kisses and strokes. He wanted her pliable under his hands. He wanted her gasping for breath and begging him to allow her to orgasm. And when she couldn’t take it anymore, when his body screamed for release just as loudly, he’d slid into her in long drawn out strokes, rekindling the fires that burned so deep within them that when it was over their skin would be burned from their bodies. The curtains in his apartment would go up in flames as would the mattress and sheets. When he’d finished with her she wouldn’t know her name. She wouldn’t be able to move, much less walk. When he finished with her, she would have no choice but to come back to him because without him she’d die. Pretty much as he would die without her.