Hot Reads

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


How many books should an author release in a year? 

Writing books are time consuming. There’s developing characters, researching careers, locations, times of the year and period of the story. Then you sit at your computer, or pick up pen and paper and began to write. For some the story simply flow. For others, you put some on paper now, come back a month from now to write a little more, and so on until the book is finished. Once the book is complete, here comes the test readers. You know those objective people you select to send your story to read. When you received their feed back you make adjustments, or not. Then you send the document to your editors. Please note, I said editors, at least three in all, Proofreaders, Line Editors, then Substantive Editing. Again, you make adjustments, or not. 

While all of that is happening, a book cover has to be designed and produced. Advanced Readers Copies (ARC) have to be sent to reviewers while you pray they have good things to say about your new baby. Then there’s the marketing, and networking to get the word out. This includes trade magazines, interviews and of course the ever evolving on-line presence.

Then comes the week before the release where you make the blog tours, interviews with internet radio, live radio and if you are very, very lucky, a few television appearances. Are you ready, now it’s release day. You sit with your fingers crossed waiting for that first review to appear. Holding your breath, another appears. You allow yourself a little smile. The readers like it, they really liked it. 


I like to write stories where readers connect to each character in someway, love them or hate them. Therefore, I take my time introducing each character in a way to make readers react emotionally. Some say that slows a story down. I say it gives the story depth and is time well spent. 

Writing a novels takes months out of your life. They are months well spent. I love writing and if I could I would write a book every month. Hold on, clearing throat as I rethink that. Okay, If I could, I would write a book every other month....or so. But, you get my meaning. I think 2 to 4 books a year is a good place to be. Whew, I have to get to writing. I still have 3 books to go. 

I have to end this now, I have characters to develop, and story lines to conquer up. It's all in the effort of getting the stories out to you.  

Until the next time,

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