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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chaos and Disorder (And Not the Prince Album), Plus Kianna Stops by BRAB

Hi, Y'all,
It's pretty hectic at Casa Alexander these days. I'm swamped with freelance work (my "day" job), school has started for my son (he's a first grader), and my appointment book runneth over. I had no idea I'd be echoing Loretta's earlier post about how crazy life can get, but, it is what it is.
So, as I juggle the many appointments of my special needs son, and struggle to get my own self together, I sneak away to write and revise, whenever I can. I have to write. It is imperative. And I'll tell you why: these days, with so much going on, writing is the only time I can be in control.
And I relish that control. My characters are my creations, to torture or give happiness at my very whim. I can make them suffer, or I can give them bliss. When life feels too much like it's "happening" to me, without  my input, writing anchors me by giving me control over something.
I've been working on a historical short for weeks now, and a certain editor from a certain house has her eye on it. I've decided this will be my first attempt at erotic romance- and I'm sure I can glean some great advice from my fellow M.A.M.A.'s in this arena. I really, REALLY want this deal- the house is well established and has a large, devoted following. It's hard for me to get time to put into the revisions these days, but I'm determined to get it done. Y'all pray for a sistah. ;)

 Cover Photo

If you get a minute this weekend, stop by BRAB's Facebook page this Sunday, September 9th, at 3pm EST, where there will be a lively discussion of my historical sweet romance, Kissing the Captain. Knowing the ladies in this group, I'm sure a good time will be had by all.

Until Next Time,


  1. I know the feeling trying to do all plus some..also have time for self...seems like you are doing a good job keep up the group work....We in BRAB.. cant wait to have our chat this Sunday...Happy Writing and Reading ...

  2. Good luck on the publisher deal, Kianna!
