I can sit down to the computer all set to write one story
and before I know it the book has gone in a totally different direction. It’s
like my fingers are possessed or something. Sometimes I even hear those characters
in my head, talking to me. I guess that’s okay. Until I start talking back then
that’s when we have a problem. LOL
Okay… so check this out.
Remember the little boy who whispered, “I see dead people.”
Well, I’m one of the ones who would have never thought he was crazy because “I hear
head people.”
Now if I say that too loud someone might try to admit me to
the psychiatric ward where they would heavily medicate me and kill all my
creative juices and Angie ain’t having that.
Instead, I actually consider my “head case” my “thought
process.” I wake up every morning meditating and outlining what I plan to write
about. Each scene has to have a purpose and then I need to figure out a way to
connect the dots.
And that’s where those crazy voices come in.
You would think we were at a Presidential debate the way my
characters and I go back in forth with plots until finally a light goes off and
we share an aaah-haaa moment.
It may sound crazy but it’s the way this author operates. It’s
not so bad. At least I 'll always have a writing partner.
Woo, and I thought I was alone out here with the hearing of voices...so glad I'm not! Actually, that's been happening more often than not with the characters I'm writing about now. You have a friend in the 'voices category' Angie!