Hot Reads

Monday, August 26, 2013

Daring To Dream...

In this crazy world we live in, many things can distract us from pursuing our dreams. It all starts with an idea, a thought, some random thing that is said in a conversation to spark such audacity.

Once that envelope in the brain has been opened, what will you choose to do?

The option of being rejected and hearing the word "No" is more likely than being encouraged to dare yourself beyond the usual.

After all, it is a mindset--your mindset.

I want to encourage you today. Carry a notebook with you and write out your dreams. Rely on your smartphone, tablet or other electronic device to keep up with your comings and goings? Take advantage of them and make notes, too.

Having the will to dream, to accomplish something, anything is passion within itself to fuel the energy to execute.

Keep your circle small, everyone is not meant to know your dreams. Be exclusive and remain focused.

Plan, pray and execute, by all rightful means!

Here's a line from one of my favorite songs by the Sounds of Blackness that always keeps things in perspective: "As long as you keep your head to the sky, you can win! Be optimistic!"

In closing, I wish you well in the dare to dream and forthcoming fruition.

Rule your dreams!

--Loretta R. Walls
Author of "The Majestic Dynasty" #nucherte

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