Hot Reads

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meeting a Romance Writer

I hope this day finds you all well. As the year gets started with all the conferences coming up. Readers are fiercely looking up lists to see which authors will be where. It takes me back to my first event I went to as a reader/new author. Going to see my favorite author. I was nervous and excited. I had books in my suitcase ready to get their signature on them all.

The moment a reader gets to meet an author they have grown to love is one of the best moments. Readers don't only put a face with a name, but they put a personality to the stories. If an author is cold and standoffish, the reader will either stop buying those books or always think back on the meeting with un-fond memories. However, if the meeting is all the reader hoped it would be and more--the author is engaging, interested in readers thoughts on their stories and pleasant--the author has a reader for life.

Since my first event, I have been to several as both a reader and an author. I've learned that I enjoy the smaller events at times more than the larger ones. Why, because less distractions and both individuals are solely there to get to know each other a little more.

That's what we plan to bring our readers at the HOT M.A.M.A Fly Hat event. We want to set back with those readers new and faithful and share in the experience of romance books. The authors are filled with just as much excitement and expectations as the readers. We are hoping to get feedback about our stories that will carry us through as we write the next book. Find out what you all loved, who you all would like to see next in a story or what you think is missing.

So, don't be shy, bring those questions, your smiles and those fly hats we can't wait to break bread with all of you.

Event: March 9th
Where: Morrisville, NC

Don't delay. Limited seating. Get your ticket!

Monique Lamont
Romancing You

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